

THE SPIRIT OF JESUS IN THE CHURCH JESUS is that self-same Holy Spirit; as He has attested in  John 14:18 , saying, “ I will not leave you comfortless, “I“  (Personal Pronoun)  WILL COME TO YOU .” “ I will be with you, even IN YOU until the end of the world. ”  Galatians 4:6  states this, too, “A nd because ye are sons, God has sent forth the SPIRIT of His SON into your hearts, crying Abba, Father .”  FOREVERMORE!”  Who was that? That was the same God Who also said, “  I have power to lay my life down, and raise it up again ” ( John 10:18 ). Jesus’ own Spirit is now “God IN Us”, the “Hope of Glory”  ( Colossians 1:27 ) . It is the SELF-SAME GOD all the time, never changing His power, just changed His form from the heavenly to the earthly, and then back again as the Great Spirit, after having fulfilled His great redemptive story. He was “GOD ABOVE US” in His Fatherhood dispensation; “GOD WITH US” in His Sonship dispensation; and now “GOD IN US” in the Holy Spirit dispensation


THREE DISPENSATION OF THE ONE GOD “God ABOVE Us”  - that’s how God was known in the Old Testament, in the Fatherhood dispensation. God dwelling in the heavenlies, where no man could ever touch Him. When the the time for the Sonship dispensation came, fulfilling the prophesy of  Isaiah 9:6  which says, “ For to us a child is born, for to us a SON is given: the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty GOD, and everlasting FATHER, Prince of Peace ”, these all pertain to the FLESH of God JESUS, being God Himself becoming Emmanuel, which being interpreted “ God WITH us ” God Who can now be touched by the feeling of our infirmities. It was God also fulfilling  Isaiah 53:5 , “ But He (God) was WOUNDED for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him: and by His stripes we are healed ” - all fulfilled and completed at the Cross of Calvary. In these last days, after Jesus has


Spirit, in the beginning before there was a beginning, He was God. And did you know you were in Him then? If you are a Christian now, you was in Him then. And then if that be so, the whole Godhead bodily shaped up in the person of Jesus Christ. And then when Jesus died at the cross, I died with Him, for I was in Him then; for He was the fullness of the Word manifested, knowing that we would be manifested later. And we was at Calvary with Him. We went in the grave with Him, and we raised with Him in His resurrection, and now we've ascended by His Spirit to the throne of grace, sitting together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, always. For as the germ of natural life is brought down, germitized from father to father, to father, to father, so is the life of Christ germitized. That's the reason God uses Elijah's spirit five different times. What is it? It's a handing down. Just as your natural life and traits is handed down from the natural breeding of your fa


We appreciate the almighty God for his grace and loving mercy upon this people who take their time to listen to his Word..As they a accept to hear the word we also leave for them the pamphlets or books having the word of God that edify them and changes their lives Friends let us keep praying for one another  and work together in order to embarrass Satan and edify the body of our lord Jesus Christ.may God bless you all, For more information visit our Facebook page   or our website Donate to support the Ministry to Spread The Gospel Far 👇👇


EXAMINE YOURSELF, THAT YOU LOSE NOT THOSE THINGS WHICH YOU HAVE WROUGHT. ( Luke 6:46 ) And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? You know, Jesus said in one case, He asked a question. I'd like to ask the church tonight, this. Jesus said, “Why? Why? Why do you call me your 'Lord,' and do not the things that I commanded you to do? Why could you call me 'Lord,' and keep not my Word? Why can you call me 'Lord,' and deny the things that I have commanded you to preach and teach?” What is it? What does it? It's because that some denominational tradition stands between them and the Word. And anything that stands between you and God, is an idol, it takes the place of God. Why call you “Lord”? Lord means “ownership,” Lord owns the property. And if God owns me, if I am His, and He turned me around one day when I was on the wrong road, and called me for a purpose, what am I to do but to fulfill His desire, like He did Paul. How c


Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Now, the Gospel, commonly believed, is the Word of God, and that is true in one sense. But the Word of God is not Gospel alone. The Word of God, is the seed that produces the Gospel. Jesus said a sower went forth and sowed seed. And some fell to the stony places, and some fell to the wayside, and the fowls of the air devoured them. Some fell upon thorny thistle ground some went over and brought a hundred fold. Now the seed, you people here who are a farmers, every seed will produce if it's in the right kind of a ground. And every divine promise of God in the Bible will produce if It's met in the right kind of a heart. It'll produce the promise. If you have need of Salvation, believe that He saves you and accept His sacrificial death, and you shall receive what you've asked for. If you're weary and gloomy and fe


Now listen to this about the women preachers. All right, first thing would be, I want the I Timothy 2:11-13. Now listen what it says here. Let your women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. I'm not responsible for putting it in there. I'm responsible for telling you it's in there. See? See? Let your women learn in silence and be in all subjection. [If you ever went into an Orthodox church and watch them, see. See?] But I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp authority [be a pastor, deacon, or anything like that] over the man [see], usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, and then Eve. Now notice this now, that these women preachers, when they come in, they thought to take the authority; but it's absolutely not permitted by God to do so. And let ... just while we're right on this subject here, this women, see, in 1 Corin