Now listen to this about the women preachers. All right, first thing would be, I want the I Timothy 2:11-13. Now listen what it says here.

Let your women learn in silence with all subjection.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

I'm not responsible for putting it in there. I'm responsible for telling you it's in there. See? See?

Let your women learn in silence and be in all subjection. [If you ever went into an Orthodox church and watch them, see. See?]

But I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp authority [be a pastor, deacon, or anything like that] over the man [see], usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

For Adam was first formed, and then Eve.

Now notice this now, that these women preachers, when they come in, they thought to take the authority; but it's absolutely not permitted by God to do so. And let ... just while we're right on this subject here, this women, see, in 1 Corinthians 14:37-38. Now, it said, “If there be any man among you, who's spiritual, or a prophet, let him acknowledge that what I write is the commandments of the Lord. But if he's ignorant, just let him be ignorant.” And that's why this tabernacle does not stand and ordain women preachers, women deacons, or anything for a woman to do as an office of this church, is because this Scripture lays here and it's naked.

Remember, “there in the last days, that perilous times shall come. Men shall be lovers of themselves, boasters, proud, blasphemers.”  2 Timothy 3:1-2 See, blasphemers: “Oh, them bunch of idiots. The days of miracles are passed. There's no such a thing.” He's an old false prophet. “Now, we know that our women has just as much sense as our men.” I'm not disputing that a bit, but God's Bible said keep her out of the pulpit. That's good enough for me, see, that's right. All right. See? And said, “Well, now, our denominations, we got just as many nice people as you got over there at the Tabernacle.” I don't say that a bit, but the Bible condemns denominations. That's right. And so, now, I ain't saying you ain't got fine members in your church. That's wonderful. They are fine people. Some of the finest people, I meet them in all of them, Catholics and all through. All of them, I meet fine members.

Remember last night when we talked about women preachers; when they said, “Oh, I believe the Holy Ghost called me to preach,” and so forth like that? The Bible said, “If any man says that he's a prophet, or even spiritual, let him acknowledge that this is the commandments of the Lord. But if he's ignorant, just let him be ignorant.” So when you hear men say that they believe in women preachers, it shows that they're not right with God—or don't know the truth. That's the truth. The Scripture says so; we found it there. And it coincides into the Scriptures. Now, no matter how real it looks, it's a contrary. It's not right.
(1 Corinthians 14:34-38 , 1 Timothy 2:12 )

QUESTION: Now, the next question is one I think that maybe someone was ... what I said the other night. Explain a wife being saved by bearing a child.

The wife isn't saved by bearing a child. But let's turn now to I Timothy 2:8-15 just a minute. And let's just find out what the Bible says about the child. Now, I realize that's a Catholic doctrine, that the Catholic says the woman is saved in childbearing, by bearing a child. But let's not.... I don't believe that. I Timothy the second chapter, and let's begin at the eighth verse, and read just a moment now. All right, listen.

In like manner also, that your women adorn themselves in modest apparel [We oughtn't to ask that, should we? Listen at this.] with shamefacedness [Whew!] and sobriety; not with broiding her hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; [Brethren, I'm helping you here, I hope. All these new bonnets every day or three days, you see? That ain't become Christians.]

But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

Let your women learn in silence with all subjection.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp authority over ... man, but to be ... silent.

For Adam was first formed, and then Eve.

...Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if [Now, He's not talking to the woman of the world, having babies.] if she continues in faith [See? If she continues. She's already.... That's the woman he's talking about, the woman that's already saved, see.] and charity and holiness with all sobriety.

Do you know, ladies, that it's wrong to wear slacks? Do you know that?  if we read in (Deuteronomy 22:5)  Do you know it's wrong to cut the locks of your hair off? Do you know it's wrong,  if we read (1 Corinthians 11:15) mister, for you to continue to smoke, and act the way you do? Do you know it's wrong for you not to be the husband of your house? Your wife get a little temper spell and kick you out the door, and you say, “Yes, bless your heart, honey, I'll come right back”? Do you know you.... How can you be a tender at the house of God when you can't even control your own house? That's exactly right. if we read (1 Timothy 3:5) Do you know, sister, that your husband is not only your husband, but he is your ruler? as it is written in (Genesis 3:16, 1 Timothy 2:12) God said so, because that the husband was not deceived. The woman was deceived. (1 Timothy 2:14) And you preachers will continue to make women pastors and preachers in your churches, knowing that the Word of God condemns it.

Now, someone had give me a note here, just a little question. We won't take too much time now to answer it. And remember, each time you lay a little question up, I'll try my best to get to it if I can. But this was an important question. One wanted to know if it was wrong for women to testify or to sing, or give messages in tongues, interpret the messages, or prophecy in the church.

No, it isn't wrong, as long as it comes in the place in order, see. The church is in order, and only when.... The real, true way to do it is for those who speak with tongues and things, or messages, are given before the message from the pulpit. Never during that time, 'cause the Holy Spirit's moving just from one place at a time, as Paul spoke of there.

But women are gifted with prophecy, and gifted with tongues and interpretations, and everything but being preachers. They're not to be preachers. They're forbidden to preach in the churches (that's right), take the place, or be a teacher or anything, in the church. as it written in (1 Timothy 2:12, 1 Corinthians 14:34)  But as far as gifts, the woman has all those ... can occupy one or any of those nine spiritual gifts according to I Corinthians 12:8-12, and is under no bondage that her message should not come forth in its place,

Oh, don't you see that's why Paul said a woman should never preach the gospel? She was in the.... She was the one that was deceived. “I suffer not a woman to teach, or to usurp any authority, but to be in silence,” see. For Adam was first formed, and then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived, and being in the transgression.

Said notwithstanding, now, she's not lost. She shall be saved in childbearing if she's got a husband, and so forth; she continues on in faith and sobriety, and all holiness and such, she'll be saved. But never permit one to teach or to usurp authority, see. Paul said, “Don't you do it!” Said, “Now, I think I have the mind of the Lord,” he said. (1 Timothy 2:12-15)
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